Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Book Review ~ Missing Jesus: Find Your Life In His Great Story by Charles & Janet Morris

Missing Jesus: Find Your Life In His Great Story by Charles & Janet Morris (Moody Publishers)

Missing Jesus by Charles & Janet Morris is a collection of anecdotes that show you how different people (past and present) have refreshed their faith by finding glimpses of Jesus' story within their own lives. The reality is that many Christians today seem to get so caught up in the rules of being a Christian that they somehow gloss over the purpose of being a Christian: to follow Christ. Learn about ways other people have pulled moments from their own life to reflect upon the greatness of God's grace and mercy, and the beauty that is offered to us by re-focusing our sights on Jesus, rather than the laws (thinking like a Pharisee). My favorite part is in chapter 8, when the authors stress that we need to be "recovering Pharisees".

From the subtitle, "Find Your Life In His Great Story", I figured there'd be some kind of personal application section. But there isn't. There are just lots of nice stories, which would probably be great to just help you feel reconnected if you were having a bum day. My personal recommendation would be that instead of reading this straight through as a conventional book, I would use it more as a devotional for those days that life is just hectic and you feel drained or lacking. Each chapter is broken into several small stories that are typically detached from each other. If you simply read one of these stories a day (in order), you'd have a little over 40 days of stories to help you recognize that bonding with Jesus is as simple as looking for His touch in your daily life.

Overall, I'm giving this book 3/5 stars. It's not a bad book, but it's not great either. It'd be a good boost for someone that gets tied up in the daily grind and needs reminded as to the purpose for their life. It's not a good book for someone who has wandered far enough off the trail that they need a map, guide, and flashlight to find their way back.

*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from Moody Publishers for the purpose of this honest review.*

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