Sunday, February 19, 2017

Treasures In Dark Places by Leanna Cinquanta

Treasures In Dark Places by Leanna Cinquanta is the story of her personal journey to find God and help spread His message to poverty-stricken parts of northern India. Leanna leads us through the trials of her childhood and adolescence, showing us the various times that God slowly wound His way into her heart, until she finally decided to listen to Him and follow His calling for her life. Once she acknowledges His calling, He leads her to northern India, where she lives with the natives and becomes a part of their community as a means by which to spread the gospel and Jesus' good news to the inhabitants.

Leanna realizes that one woman can only do so much, and she founds TellAsia Ministries to reach out to the masses and provide aid and hope to those without.

While I found this book to be an interesting background to Leanna's world and the reason she got into mission work, this book is not at all what I expected it to be based on the front and back covers. I had incorrectly been under the impression that it focused primarily on her work to help aid and assist children, particularly those who were orphaned or abducted and involved in sex trafficking. This portion of the story only takes up a very small amount of the book, with most of the book focusing on Leanna's own youth. While that story would be more intriguing to someone looking for a history of her personal life and ministry, it is not what I was looking for when I got the book. Overall, I'm giving it 3/5 stars, deduced mostly from the misrepresentation of the contents based on the back cover blurb.

*Disclaimer: I received a free print edition of this book from Chosen Books for the purpose of this honest review. All opinions are my own.*

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