Monday, October 24, 2016

Move On by Vicki Courtney

Move On: When Mercy Meets Your Mess by Vicki Courtney is about the messy times in life. She uses candid personal stories to relate that no one is perfect. Despite our fake smiles and casual "I'm okay" responses to the "how are you?" questions we face every day. Life is messy. The sooner we admit to our mess and ask God for help dealing with it, the sooner we can invite Mercy in and move on. Specific topics covered (as written on the back of the book) are the need for approval, struggles and broken dreams, shame, legalism, Christian snobbery, and idols.

Out of the above topics, the main problem area I identify with is shame, so I was reluctant to purchase this book and doubted whether or not I'd really get much benefit from it. Each chapter contains several stories (both person and Biblical) that reflect on similar messes we can all relate to, and ways the Mercy can bail us out of our mess. Each chapter ends with a "coming clean" section, which has several questions encouraging you to be honest with yourself and to identify with any or the stories you've just read. The last chapter of the book readily illustrates that none of us are mess-free, and that rather on focusing on how our messes compare to anyone else's, we need to focus on getting through our journey - with Mercy by our side. It's not about how many times you fall down, it's about learning how to fall forward - and keep going.

This book reads like a conversation over a good cup of coffee, and would be easy for almost everyone to understand and apply to their lives. It's great for the Christian facing burnout or simply needing a breather and refreshing reminder of how wonderful God is. It's also ideal for the young Christian or those returning to the faith that struggle with whether or not God can really help them clean up their particular messes. My only bit of advice is to read the entire book. Don't skip a chapter just because the title or first paragraph doesn't sound like it applies to you. You might be surprised by what you discover. 5/5 stars.

Purchase links:

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