Thursday, March 31, 2011

KiKi's Accomplishments

   KiKi had a big day yesterday... We went to the Mud House coffee shop, and he walked around there for a while. We later hit Walmart, where he pushed the cart away with his feet, in order to walk through the store. This was an awesome step for him! :)
   As for food, he has now progressed to eating chili the other day, and potato soup today! Both were ground up, but full of foods he didn't normally eat. The potato soup has brocolli, cauliflower, carrots, peas, and mushrooms added to it. He ate half a meal with no protesting whatsoever!
   He is also now requesting to be picked up by grabbing my hands and placing them on his sides in order to ask me to pick him up.
   Yesterday, he also got a haircut and a bath. These are both major ordeals for him. The haircut takes about half an hour of pinning him down and a lot of screaming, like non-stop. So, we wait until his hair is poking his eyes, then we trim it to half an inch and let it grow out again. That way he gets his hair cut as seldom as possible, thus making it a less traumatic experience.

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